Thursday, 11 February 2010

Aphrodisiac Essential Oils for Valentine's Day

It's not long until Valentine's Day and if you're planning a cosy night in with your loved one, why not consider adding some love spice into the mix? Some essential oils contain aphrodisiac properties which will be perfect for getting both of you in the mood. Picture the scene: lights dimmed, soft music on and both of you ready for a relaxing massage. Why not use some specific essential oils with your carrier? Fowery oils such a Neroli, Clary Sage, Patchouli and Jasmine are all suitable for the job. Rose is a particularly effective and soft, pleasant oil that contains aphrodisiac properties. And for the men there's Sandalwood, just in case he doesn't want to smell like a flower. If you're not too keen on massage, why not drop some into a relaxing bath for two? A nice way to share the bath. Hopefuly, by the end of the night the oils will have worked their magic.
N.B. Please ensure all essential oils are blended to a suitable percentage with a carrier oil.

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