Welcome to my first post. It's a hard one to know what to write. I'm not going to explain in detail about what I do etc as all of that is in my profile, so I thought I'd just share my latest experience with Reiki. I have lately been practising my Reiki in a slightly more unusual way than normal. My rescue greyhound, Socks (a very dignified name for a greyhound), has had problems with his tail ever since we got him. Before we brought him home, he had had an operation to amputate the end of his tail as he had split it from too much wagging! Now what does that tell you about his temperament? This was supposed to have healed over a month ago, but when the dressing was removed, he immediately split it again, from too much wagging, leaving our house looking like a murder scene. This wouldn’t do, so the vet’s next idea was to attach a shuttlecock to the end of his tail. Don’t laugh, as this actually worked. Apart from shattering a good few Christmas baubles, and the posh ones at that, it actually protected the tail, whilst allowing it to heal. However, nothing is safe from the strong jaws of Socks, so the shuttlecock eventually came off, causing yet again, more blood and pain. The vet is now out of ideas and has told us the last option is to simply try some plasters and if they don’t work then poor old Socks is going to have to have more of his tail off. So I’ve now taken matters into my own hands! I have twice performed Reiki on Sock’s tail, hoping that the holistic and eastern approach might help with the healing. Giving Reiki to animals is a different experience to humans as they only take exactly the amount of healing and energy that they want from you and then they let you know that they’re done. Whereas a treatment on a human will last about an hour, you’re lucky to get 10 minutes out of a dog. So picture me lying on the floor, next to my greyhound with my hands cupped around his tail and then 10 minutes later getting a forceful kick in the head and a dismissive flick of the tail. I’ve yet to finish my treatments with Socks as I’m determined that he’s not going to get any more of his tail amputated and I think the Reiki is working. Both times that I have treated him I have experienced the Reiki tunnel and been aware of waves of purple healing. The fact that the first time I tried it automatically sent him to sleep is also testament to the healing strength of the Reiki. I’m hoping that the more I practise it, the more he will get used to it and the more his tail will heal. Right, better prepare myself for another boxing match as I try and help the beast. I’ll keep you posted…
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