Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Colour Therapy for January

In the Bon belief system in Tibet, each season is allocated a colour. Using the associated colour in your life may enhance your well-being and good fortune. You don't have to redecorate your whole house, but if you're buying anything new or re-arranging ornaments or objects, just bear in mind the colour therapy belief. For example, consider it with regards to such things as flowers, vases, candles, towels and so on. The colour for the Winter season, which runs from December to early February is WHITE! How typical- I think Mother Nature has already borne this in mind and decided to help us out. Try to think more positively about the colour white, despite the last week or so and the troubles that we have all experienced. You might be lucky and enhance your whole well-being. If you're more interested in Tibetan beliefs and therapies, check out my page on Tibetan Acupressure Head Massage for more insight, or better yet, come and experience a session. Look for more details on my website: www.loveholistictherapies.com

Sunday, 3 January 2010

New Year, New You- Detox and Enjoy It

It's the New Year and time for a New You. What better way to start your new healthy regime than to detox yuor body but enjoy it at the same time. Holistic treatments, such as massage and reflexology, are a great way to detox your system and boost your body's renewal, but at the same time, relax you and release your 'feel good' endorphins, making you happier overall.

Among other benefits, MASSAGE will: increase blood and lymphatic circulation; improve function and appearance of skin; help to break down fatty tissue and cellulite; and break down toxins.

Among other benefits, REFLEXOLOGY will: improve circulation; cleanse the body of impurities and toxins; revitalise energy; and normalise and balance the whole of the body.

Throughout January, Love Holistic Therapies is promoting a special offer involving :these treatments:
  • Receive a MASSAGE PLUS REFLEXOLOGY for only £30. This will allow you to experience both treatments and begin the detox of your body.

Also promoted this month is the HONEY TREATMENT. This also removes toxins and revitalises the body, boosting blood circulation. For this month only:

  • Receive a FREE Honey tretment with your massage if you would like to try it. Just mention this promotion.

Hopefuly see you soon for a new, healthy start to the year.